Additional Services at Langdon Chiropractic and Wellness Centre
At Langdon Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, you’ll find a multitude of solutions to suit your needs. Our doctors believe that multidisciplinary care provides everything that you’ll need to feel better and recover your health. After a consultation and examination, we can determine which of our options you’ll benefit from, making a plan to suit your particular needs.
Massage Therapy
If you have a muscle injury, tightness or experience muscle spasms, massage therapy may be recommended to you. It can also improve the results you get from chiropractic care.
Our Doctor of Chinese Medicine is skilled at applying her extensive training to address your health concerns and afflictions. Acupuncture’s benefits go far beyond addressing musculoskeletal problems.
Certain points on the base of your feet have been researched and proven to relate to different energy channels in the body. Reflexology may be able to help sciatic nerve pain, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow and more.
Shockwave Therapy
This relatively new option in the field of orthopedic and rehabilitative medicine addresses a range of musculoskeletal issues. Plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, arthritis, shoulder tendonitis, chronic inflammation, bursitis, shin splints, Morton’s neuroma, stress fractures and osteoarthritis may all benefit from this therapy.
Our custom shoe inserts support all three arches of the foot. Unlike the over-the-counter orthotics you can purchase, ours are individually designed to address your unique postural issues, not just problems in the feet. Correcting these imbalances can align your spine, pelvis and give you great support.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression aims to create a negative pressure that allows your disc to be in the proper position. With lower pressure, healing nutrients can move into the disc space. With this therapy, your pain may be relieved, and optimal healing is promoted for bulging, herniated or degenerating discs.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy uses light energy to support the body’s natural processes. It is designed to potentially help accelerate recovery and provide relief from discomfort, making it a versatile option for various conditions. Summus Laser treatments are commonly used to assist in managing ongoing or temporary pain, with many patients experiencing improvements.
Laser therapy has been used to help healing from sports injuries, car accidents, injuries, chronic pain, disc degeneration, tendonitis, bursitis, disc degeneration, arthritis, sciatica, sprains and strains, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome TMJ and jaw problems, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, fracture healing, wound and scar healing, and much more!
Red Light Therapy
The healing power of light! Reduce joint pain and inflammation, improves skin complexion including reducing wrinkles, wound healing, better sleep, faster muscle recovery, increased collagen production, reduce stress, anxiety, depression and SAD.
Learn More Today
Find out what we may be able to do for you. Contact Langdon Chiropractic and Wellness Centre to book a free consultation! We have same-day visits and late opening hours.